VIP Membership
20.00 USD
VIP Membership includes the following Perks:
- Vehicle License * - Use RP to purchase a vehicle license, which can be spawned anywhere. Command is /license.
- No Recycler Cooldown - Command is /recycler.
- Teleportation** - +1 Home, +10 TPR's, +10 Town teleports, All Cooldowns reduced to 1 min, and All Countdown's 5 seconds. You can find out more about teleports using the /tphelp command.
- Backpacks** - Access to the Full backpack using /backpack command.
- Sign Artist* - Upload Images with URL's. Command is /sil
- Bank* - 6 Secure Slots, Accessible with /Bank. Items do not drop upon death. (PVE/PVP Only)
- No XP Loss* - For Resource Gathering Levels (PVE/PVP Only)
- VIP Kits* ***
- VIP Gear Kit
- VIP Build Kit
* Not available on PVE Vanilla Server
** Available on PVE Vanilla with different options:
- Teleportation - Only given 3 Homes. No other teleport options available.
- Backpacks - 5 rows
*** Kits will reset Mid-Month for PVE/PVP Server